Stormtrooper Painting

I painted a Stormtrooper for a client's gaming station. It took me about 40+ hours to complete. During the process I faced a few challenges that I overcame. 

One challenge was trying to make the green background detailed, yet blurry. I went through a lot of green paint trying to perfect the feel I wanted for the piece. I overcame the challenge by taking a few breaks to let the acrylic paint dry to try again. This project took patience and diligence.

Another challenge was painting a section, completing it, and then stopping for the day. Coming back to duplicate the same color treatment in a different area was tricky. I had to remember what technique I used for the particular area. Sometimes I preferred the second section I painted better. Thus, I redid the first section to make it match the second. I overcame this struggle by trial and error, I worked until it was perfect. 

Yet I found this project to be entertaining because it was great to go back to hands-on work. Also I am a gaming nerd and Star Wars is great.